"The plot of an Alafair Burke thriller doesn't just rip from the headlines. She's one step ahead of them. 212 scares you and keeps you turning the pages into the wee hours."
— Harlan Coben

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On the Road Again...

Friday, September 5, 2008

Just can't wait to get on the road again... Am packing my bag for Arizona this weekend. Saturday I'll be at Tucson's Clues Unlimited at 2:30. Sunday it's Scottsdale's Poisoned Pen at 1:00. See the full tour schedule here. In between I'll find play time for my little nephew, James. Will miss Duffer.

posted by Alafair Burke at 4:21 AM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just read Angel's Tip (in one sitting), and the only thing I think I would change is the name of the book itself. Instead of calling it Angel's Tip I would suggest the name Out of the Park, not only because of the relevance to the first murder, but because this is exactly where you knocked it!

Feeling kind of sad for the guy at the Williamette Whatever who declared in his review that this book "is not art." The poor fellow not only missed the broad and fine strokes applied to a canvas of prose, but the commingling of finesse and boldness and the rich and vibrant color throughout the entire novel. Makes me wonder what else he's been missing?

This is art. To call it a masterpiece would be premature, because I wouldn't want to do anything to cause you to relax your enthusiasm, but I'll sure call it "masterful."

You wrote it like you had all the time in the world. It reads like every single sentence was individually crafted for maximum effect. The pacing is excellent, character development brilliant, there are subplots in the subplots, and I adore the fact that you don't bother with a 'comic relief' character, but exercise your growing ability to pull all sorts of relief effects from the very environment as the story progresses.

All these elements, combined with that cornucopia knowledge of pop culture (insert The Office comment hereabouts) filled this book to bursting with top-notch detective thriller fun.

Because it's set inside definite time parameters, and in actual locations, and a hundred other people try every day to create comparable works as a means to an end (as a job) in no means disqualifies this as art.

Dang, yer gettin' good.

September 6, 2008 at 1:05 PM  
Blogger Alafair Burke said...

Crashdaddy, WOW!!! What a review. Thanks, thanks, thanks. Wonderful words to read just before going to sleep.

September 6, 2008 at 9:38 PM  

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