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My awesome grandmother
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I know that many bloggers use their blogs as a sort of public diary, sharing personal reflections and experiences. I haven't spent much time contemplating my goals for this blog. I write about writing. I share my book news. I make you listen to my silly stories about life in NYC with the husband and the Duffer. But today I'm sharing with you the reason why I was laying low during the last week. Frances Benbow Burke, one of the fabulous grandmothers to whom I dedicated my third novel, passed away Tuesday morning in Houston, Texas. She was 101.
My grandmother was a real live wire. Many of you in Texas met her during her youthful 90's at my early readings at Murder by the Book. At my first reading in 2003, I watched with nervousness as she made her way from the parking lot with her walker. I stopped worrying when she encountered an untrimmed hedge trespassing on the sidewalk; she lifted the walker over her head and continued on her way. Inside, she watched with such pride and a beaming smile as I read some pretty foul stuff from Chapter 1. I apologized later for the bad language and she said, "Oh, darling, I couldn't hear a word you were saying, but you looked so happy."
She and Sean bonded the first time they met. I was telling her a story and paused to make sure she knew what an email was. She said, "Of course I know what an email is. I'm old, not stupid. Now consider yourself reprimanded." The last time I saw her in August, she complimented my new short haircut, but then couldn't resist holding her fingers a half inch apart: "Maybe just a little shorter," she strongly suggested.
I could go on, but the point of all my memories was that Polly, as she was known, truly was a force to be reckoned with and remembered, with a strong wit and sharper tongue and enough personality to fill a ballroom for her 100th birthday party. I'm proud to have her genes. Goodbye, Grandmother. I will miss our visits.
posted by Alafair Burke at 2:32 PM

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Sorry to hear about your loss, Alafair. She sounds like she was quite a spunky lady...glad she passed that on to you, and you obviously have wonderful memories to cherish forever. I'll have special prayers for her, you and your family.
you're making me cry again
I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother....I completely understand...I lost my Grandmother 2 years agao, and it was very hard...I still use the Pond's handcream and the Dove soap cuz it reminds me of her....
I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Remember all the good times and that will constantly bring you joy whenever you think of her.