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Why My Cookbooks are Dusty

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

One of my sisters and I have started writing down what we eat and then emailing it to each other. (Does it work? you ask. Good idea in theory, but I'm a writer so I don't mind having to type a lot of words.) Anyway, a couple weeks ago, in response to my never ending log of restaurant food, carry out, and Lean Cuisines, my sister wrote back, "Don't you ever cook?"

So today, my first full day home from vacation, I vowed to cook. I pulled this recipe for Quail and Artichokes from my Mario Batali cookbook. I even walked across the street to the Union Square Green Market in search of the best ingredients. After a loop through the entire market, I left with nothing but artichokes. Then it was on to Whole Foods where only in NYC do shoppers have to master the delicate dance of shopping carts on escalators. Alas, after a long wait at the butcher counter, I was told there were no quail, just hens. I don't know the difference, so I bought the hens. I'm now staring at two bags of groceries on my counter and a whole mess of work. Total cost: $67 to feed me and the husband.

Just looked at the menu for Mario's Babbo, one of the best restaurants in the city, just a five minute walk from my apartment, and one of our faves. Cost of the quail entree? $27.

This is why I watch Top Chef instead of actually cooking.

posted by Alafair Burke at 2:38 PM


Anonymous Anonymous said...


As a New Iberia native, I cook a several cajun dishes without recipes (like my Mom did). However, I discovered two great books you may want to try (should you decide to venture into the kitchen)...Author Marlyn Monette from Shreveport, wrote, with much success, "So Good...Make You Slap Your Mama" volumes I & II. I
will purchase both for my nephew in California. He is a great cajun cook too.

I enjoy pics & your blog as well as your terrific books.

July 27, 2008 at 3:15 PM  
Blogger Alafair Burke said...

Just laughed out loud at that title! Thanks.

July 27, 2008 at 6:38 PM  

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