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Ellie Hatcher's online profile
Sunday, December 7, 2008
My UK editor wants to include a fictional profile for Det. Ellie Hatcher in the UK edition of Angel's Tip, which will be called City of Fear on the other side of the pond. I thought some of you might be able to help me write it. Some of the requested information is pretty straightforward (family, job, etc.), but some categories permit more creativity: music and film preferences, favorite actors, fears, sense of humor, and "character." I made my girl up, so of course I have some thoughts on how these things would be answered. But with only two Ellie books on shelves, I haven't yet told you everything I know about her. So, what known traits of Ellie's should be included in her profile? What traits of your imagination might we include?
I hope you all are up for my reindeer games. This one could be fun (and really helpful given my current homework assignment!).
posted by Alafair Burke at 2:11 PM

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O.k., I identified with Ellie after reading her feelings about online dating and what the men said in their profiles, so I think she might favor some of the actors I do??? Ed Harris - completely underrated and talent through the roof; Johnny Depp's unique style would remind her of her brother, so I think she would appreciate him. Meryl Streep - what hasn't been said about Meryl; I think she and Ellie would be great friends, actually. And I think Ellie would like Clint Eastwood! :)
I'll have to give the other parts some more thought!
O.k., I have a few more thoughts. At first I thought Ellie might not like action movies given her profession...she might be too critical of them. But then I thought, if all those cops I know can like that show Cops on TV, maybe Ellie would like decent action films. I DO think she would appreciate decent INDY work, though. A chick flick only if she's tired (physically or emotionally) and needing a no-brainer-type movie. A comedy if it doesn't insult her intelligence. The comedy that seems to appeal to young males would definitely be OUT.
Fears...definitely failure and anything happening to her family, especially since she's lost her dad already.